TentBox User Guidelines

Last update by Neill
Feb 27, 2025

As a driver with a TentBox installed, you are responsible for ensuring that you are being safe at all times.

It is important to take safety seriously when installing and using your TentBox, and to exercise caution at all times.

Always follow our three safety guidelines: Choose, Install, Check...

1. Choose

You must choose safe and appropriate roof bars, and an appropriate TentBox model, for your planned vehicle installation.

Roof bars

Make sure that your roof bars:
  • Are made by a reputable manufacturer.
  • Have been tested appropriately (e.g. TUV tested).
  • Have been authorised for usage in conjunction with your vehicle.
  • Have an adequate load limit for the TentBox model you are installing.
  • Are made from aluminium and have an aero shape (aerodynamically shaped, sometimes referred to as 'wing' bars), rather than square.
  • Have a 'through bar' design, i.e. where the bars extend over the roof bar roof, rather than stopping at the foot.

Roof load limit

Make sure the roof load limit of your vehicle is adequate for the weight of your TentBox model.

    2. Install

    You must install your TentBox and roof bars correctly and safely.

    In particular, make sure you:

    • Have installed your roof bars safely and securely as per the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Follow our installation instructions for your specific TentBox model when installing your TentBox.
    • Close your TentBox fully and securely before driving.
    • Retighten your roof bars after first using your TentBox – this step is really important as your bars will loosen slightly after they are first loaded with weight.

    Why retighten your roof bars?

    Roof bars loosen slightly after first being loaded with a significant weight, so it is paramount you retighten them to ensure your TentBox remains secured to your vehicle.

    You should do this after first loading your roof bars with significant weight, for example after sleeping in it for a night.

    Once they have been retightened, they will generally remain tighter for longer. However, you should then regularly check your setup as per the instructions below.

    3. Check

    You must perform regular checks on the installation of your TentBox and roof bars – before every journey and every 100 miles – and drive appropriately at all times.

    In particular, make sure you:

    • Regularly check that your roof bars are securely fixed to your vehicle as per the manufacturer's instructions and that none of the components are damaged. Retighten the bars as required, and typically at least every 2-3 months.
    • Regularly check that your TentBox is securely fixed to your roof bars and that none of the components are damaged.
    • Drive at an appropriate speed, and never above the speed limit.
    • Give due consideration to the change in your vehicle's drive behaviour when a TentBox is installed on your car, taking into account side-wind sensitivity and corner and breaking behaviour.
    • Give due consideration to the change in your vehicle's height when a TentBox is installed on your car. The height of your vehicle can increase by up to 90cm (depending on your roof bars), so beware of low entrances and low-hanging branches.

    If ever in doubt about the safety of your roof bar or TentBox installation, seek the advice of a professional mechanic.